Optimise your healthcare spend

Women's health solutions for employers. Powered by cutting-edge technologies. Designed for diverse workforces.

Employers of women

Better, more equitable care can't wait

In a Post-Covid era, people are no longer content to work for employers who neglect their health. As a result, employers who offer comprehensive, individually-tailored health benefits are thriving in terms of employee retention and productivity.

Transform your company with our 360° women's health solutions

We are the leading platform for employers in the UAE who put their people first. Empowering employers with accessible, inclusive, and personalised care for their employees, and providing meaningful improvements in health outcomes.

Regional Coverage for Your Female Workforce

Inclusive and equitable care is core to our mission. We support women at every age and stage, helping to build a more inclusive environment for employers where women can thrive. From family planning, through pregnancy and parenting, to menopause and beyond, we proactively work with employers to create greater health equity and support for families.

Our women’s health add-ons allows employers to demonstrate their commitment to investing in their employees as people, understanding that performance in the workplace is directly tied to the nutritional, mental and physical wellbeing of each person. Attracting and retaining talent has never been so easy.

As a multilingual, hybrid, and locally built platform, we offer the same comprehensive, digitally-enabled care to women across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, taking into account considerations relating to cultural and contextual diversity, as well as disparities in infrastructure, access and education.

NABTA’s goal-oriented support, in the form of multi-specialty care teams, tailored membership benefits, and personalised care coordination, ensure that employers are able to offer continuous, relevant care to their employees at each of life’s most critical moments. Our clinical pathways use an augmented intelligence to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis and improve health outcomes.

We provide comprehensive add-ons to your existing group premium(s)

We offer a wide range of benefits to employers, including comprehensive women's health add-ons, and access to continuous care for your employees who are living with chronic and pre-existing conditions.

Women's health add-ons

Calculate potential savings for your organisation

Use our research-backed tool to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) that we can generate for you as employers through insurance premium reductions, boosted productivity, and more.


Real healthcare and immediate results
Company-level health insights
Reduction in number and cost of claims
Optimised healthcare spend

Frequently Asked

Our women’s health solutions work differently to health insurance.

Insurance is designed to be accessed in emergencies, to mostly help with acute care needs. It provides your employees with coverage AFTER they start feeling sick. Our women’s health add-ons are designed to PREVENT your employees falling sick and improve their quality of life by focusing on their emotional, physical and nutritional health.

The health insurance you purchase as employers doesn’t educate your employees and enable them to take well-informed decisions about their health. Health insurance is simply you fall sick, you see a doctor, and get a treatment prescribed. Our goal is to REDUCE your trips to the doctor’s clinic, because to be honest, it’s not a fun place to be.

Our evidence-based ROI Calculator can work out how much you would save using our subscription-based model of care for chronic diseases after analysing a few high-level figures associated with your organisation, such as the number and percentage of female employees. In the short term, you can save money on indirect healthcare costs associated with absenteeism, lost productivity, and attrition, which can equate to 200% of the employee’s annual income. In the long term, we can help you negotiate an annual reduction of your insurance premium by showing savings at an individual, insurance provider, and company level – not just in the UAE but globally.

No, we are not an insurance broker. Insurance brokers buy and sell insurance on behalf of their clients. Our role is different. We are here as a healthcare provider to offer you low-cost, subscription-based care for your employees, with a particular focus on chronic and complex disease management (over 70% of the total disease burden according to WHO). Our subscriptions are designed to work alongside health insurance, which should be priced to provide one-off, emergency access to care for acute diseases (30% of the total disease burden). One of our commitments to the companies we work with, is to sit with your existing insurance broker or provider, and help negotiate a reduction to your insurance premium every year.

Subscription-based healthcare like ours demonstrates a commitment to employees’ overall well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health. It is also an acknowledgement of gaps in the healthcare system, particularly regarding the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases in women. This acknowledgement, and the introduction of person-centric care, can make a workplace more attractive to potential new hires, and increase job satisfaction among current employees.
Overall, wellness solutions that go beyond basic healthcare benefits can contribute to a positive work environment, improve employee satisfaction, and enhance the company’s reputation as an employer of choice.

Communication is key to effective internal wellbeing (not to be confused with “wellness”) programs, and men need to be educated that this bold move helps to redress a century of discrimination in inequities of healthcare provision to women workers compared to men due to their different physiology, life-choices, and disease-propensities (from maternity to hormonal cycles to menopause to chronic fibromyalgia that are all under-reported and under-claimed). That said, we are inclusive of men: our subscriptions can be rolled out to not only a women’s segment or subgroup, but to the entire workforce of a company, with the female dependents of male employees eligible to utilise feminine features of the subscription. Healthier women in a workforce and happier men with healthier families means more productive, collaborative teams, and that in turns translates into increased performance, attraction, retention, and reduced absenteeism and presenteeism. As women’s hormonal balances are affected by epigenetic, biopsychosocial factors in the workplace, such as general stress in an office environment, it is important to take into consideration the entire office environment and workforce.

The right to equality is a right guaranteed to all UAE women.

H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak

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