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  • Top 8 Critical Health Concerns for Female Employees in the UAE [2024]

Top 8 Critical Health Concerns for Female Employees in the UAE [2024]

A woman looks pensively to the side, with a worried expression on her face, symbolizing health concerns for female employees in UAE

The health and well-being of your employees, particularly your female workforce, are not just personal matters but also crucial for your company’s productivity and success. In the UAE, female employees face unique health challenges which, if not addressed, can significantly impact your company’s performance.

This article sheds light on the top health concerns for female employees in the UAE, supported by relevant statistics, and provides practical solutions to address these issues effectively.

Key Health Concerns for Female Employees in UAE

#1 Mental Health


According to a study by the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, nearly 30% of women in the UAE suffer from depression and anxiety. These mental health issues can significantly impact productivity, leading to increased absenteeism, decreased job satisfaction, and poor work quality. Separately, a survey by YouGov found that 55% of UAE women reported experiencing work-related stress, another serious health concern for organisations, known to directly impact productivity and increase rates of absenteeism and presenteeism.


Mental Health Programs: Implement mental health programs, including counselling services, stress management workshops, and mental health days to address mental health concerns among employees.

Flexible Work Arrangements: Offer flexible working hours or remote “hybrid” options to help your employees implement a better work-life balance. Flexible working improves employee satisfaction and retention and enhances productivity as it allows employees to work when they are most productive and reduces stress related to commuting and rigid work schedules.

Awareness Campaigns: Conduct regular mental health awareness campaigns to destigmatise mental health issues and encourage employees to seek help for health concerns.

#2 Reproductive Health


Research by the Dubai Health Authority indicates that about 20% of women in the UAE experience reproductive health concerns and are diagnosed with conditions that are correlated with infertility such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and endometriosis. A survey by the Thomson Reuters Foundation found that many women in the UAE do not have adequate access to reproductive health services in their workplaces.


Health Insurance Coverage: Ensure that health insurance policies and add-ons cover reproductive health services, including consultations, treatments, and medications. This is a crucial employee benefit and should arguably be a mandated benefit in the UAE.

Maternity Support: Provide comprehensive maternity support, including paid parental leave, postpartum care, and flexible return-to-work options to address the health concerns of female and male employees during and after pregnancy.

Health Education: Offer educational programs on reproductive health to inform women about preventative care and available treatments.

#3 Physical Health


The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 43% of women in the UAE are overweight or obese. This is a significant health concern as obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Understanding the prevalence of health issues in the UAE can help employers realize the urgency of addressing these concerns in their workplaces. In addition to this, the International Diabetes Federation highlights that the prevalence of diabetes among women in the UAE is around 16%.


Wellness Programs: Introduce workplace wellness programs to address the health concerns of employees in personalised manner, including fitness classes, gym memberships, access to multi-specialty care teams, and workshops on diet and lifestyle. Wellness programs improve employee health and well-being, boost morale, increase productivity, and reduce healthcare costs over time. Investing in employee wellness is a win-win for both employees and employers.

Regular Health Screenings: Organise regular health check-ups and screenings for common conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Early detection and prevention are vital to maintaining employee health and reducing healthcare costs. Regular health screenings can identify issues early on, when most treatable, leading to better health outcomes, a reduction in health concerns, and improved productivity.

Active Lifestyle Incentives: Encourage an active lifestyle by creating walking clubs, sponsoring sports teams, or offering incentives for physical activity.

#4 Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders


A study published in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics found that 35% of female employees in the UAE report experiencing musculoskeletal pain, particularly in the back, neck, and shoulders.


Ergonomic Workstations: Invest in ergonomic furniture and equipment to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.

Regular Breaks: Encourage employees to take regular breaks and incorporate stretching exercises into daily routines.

Training: Provide training on proper posture, lifting techniques, and workplace ergonomics.

#5 Cardiovascular Health


According to the UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death among women in the UAE, accounting for 30% of all female deaths.
A study by the American Heart Association found that stress, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyles significantly increase the risk of heart disease among women.


Health Screenings: Regular cardiovascular health screenings to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart function.

Healthy Diet Initiatives: Provide access to heart-healthy meals and snacks in the workplace and offer nutritional counseling.

Stress Management Programs: Implement stress reduction programs like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness workshops.

#6 Breast Cancer


The UAE National Cancer Registry reports that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the UAE, with an incidence rate of 19.2% per 100,000 women.
Early detection improves survival rates, yet many women are not regularly screened.


Regular Screenings: Partner with health providers to offer breast cancer screenings (mammograms) at the workplace.
Educational Campaigns: Conduct awareness campaigns about the importance of early detection and self-examinations.
Support Groups: Establish support groups for employees diagnosed with breast cancer to provide emotional and practical support.

#7 Menopause and Menstrual Health


A survey conducted by the Middle East Journal of Family Medicine found that 60% of women in the UAE experience significant symptoms related to menopause that affect their work performance.
Many women report insufficient support and understanding from employers regarding menstrual health issues.


Flexible Leave Policies: Introduce flexible leave policies to accommodate women experiencing severe menstrual or menopause symptoms.
Health Workshops: Offer workshops on managing menopause and menstrual health, including dietary advice, exercise, and stress management techniques.
Supportive Environment: Foster an open and supportive workplace culture where women feel comfortable discussing these issues.

#8 Sleep Disorders


Research from the Emirates Neurology Society shows that 40% of adults in the UAE suffer from sleep disorders, with women being more affected due to hormonal changes and stress.
Poor sleep quality is linked to decreased productivity, absenteeism, and healthcare costs.


Sleep Health Programs: Educate employees about the importance of sleep and provide tips for improving sleep hygiene.
Flexible Scheduling: Offer flexible work hours to help employees better manage their sleep schedules.
Quiet Spaces: Create quiet, restful areas in the workplace where employees can take short naps if needed.

Implementing Solutions to Address Employee Health Concerns

A woman with health concerns looks anxiously at her computer screen.

To effectively address these health concerns, UAE companies should adopt a holistic approach:
Create a Health and Wellness Committee: Establish a dedicated team to oversee the implementation of health and wellness programs. This committee, led by HR professionals, can include representatives from management and employees. HR professionals are crucial in designing and implementing health initiatives, ensuring alignment with company policies and employee needs.

Employee Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from employees about their health concerns and the effectiveness of existing programs. This will help in making necessary adjustments and improvements.

Partnerships with Health Providers: Partner with healthcare providers to offer on-site health services, discounted rates for medical treatments, and wellness workshops.
Regular Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of health initiatives on employee well-being and productivity. Use this data to refine and enhance the programs

What is “Work-Life” Balance and Why Does it Matter?

A report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) indicated that women in the UAE often struggle to balance work and family responsibilities, leading to high levels of stress and burnout. The 2021 Mercer Global Talent Trends study found that 60% of employees in the UAE prioritize work-life balance over career progression.

Organisations are usually required to work proactively to help their employees establish a work-life balance:

Family-Friendly Policies: Introduce family-friendly policies such as parental leave, childcare support, and flexible work hours.

Remote Work Options: Offer remote work opportunities to help employees manage their personal and professional responsibilities.

Time Management Training: Provide training on effective time management and work-life balance strategies.

How Can Companies Help Address Employee Health Concerns?

Employers play a critical role in ensuring the health and well-being of their employees, particularly female employees who may face unique challenges. Addressing these health concerns requires a proactive, empathetic, and strategic approach. Here are vital considerations for employers:

Foster an Inclusive and Supportive Work Culture

Creating an inclusive and supportive workplace culture is fundamental. Employers should:

Encourage Open Communication: Cultivate an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their health concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions.

Provide Training: Educate managers and staff about the specific health issues women face and how to support colleagues experiencing these challenges.

Implement Comprehensive Health and Wellness Programs

Employers should design and implement comprehensive health and wellness programs tailored to the needs of female employees:

Health Screenings and Services: Offer regular health screenings, on-site medical services, and access to healthcare professionals specializing in women’s health.

Wellness Initiatives: Introduce programs that promote physical activity, healthy eating, mental health support, and stress management.

Health concerns for female employees in UAE

Flexibility is crucial in helping employees manage their health alongside their work responsibilities:

Flexible Working Hours: Provide flexible working hours and remote work options to help employees balance personal and professional obligations.

Leave Policies: Develop and enforce leave policies that accommodate health-related absences, including maternity leave, menstrual leave, and mental health days.

Enhance Health Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive health insurance is crucial for covering the diverse healthcare needs of female employees:

Inclusive Policies: Ensure that health insurance covers various services, including reproductive health, mental health, and preventative care.

Accessible Information: Ensure employees know the health benefits and how to access these services.

Address Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

Creating a safe and respectful workplace is essential for the well-being of all employees:
Zero-tolerance policies: Implement strict policies against harassment and discrimination and ensure these are communicated clearly to all employees.

Reporting Mechanisms: Establish confidential reporting systems for employees to report incidents of harassment or discrimination without fear of retaliation.

Support Services: Provide access to counseling and support services for employees who experience harassment or discrimination.

Regularly Assess and Adapt Policies

Employers should continuously evaluate the effectiveness of their health and wellness initiatives:

Feedback Mechanisms: Regularly solicit feedback from employees to understand their health concerns and the effectiveness of existing programs.

Data Analysis: Use health and wellness data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
Policy Updates: Adapt and update policies and programs based on feedback and data analysis to ensure they remain relevant and practical.

Partner with Health and Wellness Experts

Collaboration with health and wellness experts can enhance the quality and effectiveness of workplace health programs:

Healthcare Providers: Partner with local providers to offer on-site health services, educational workshops, and health screenings.

Wellness Coaches: Engage wellness coaches or consultants to help design and implement effective wellness programs.


Employers in the UAE have a significant role in addressing the health concerns of their female employees. Employers can significantly enhance the well-being and productivity of their workforce by fostering a supportive work culture, implementing comprehensive health and wellness programs, offering flexible work arrangements, and ensuring inclusive health insurance coverage. Regularly assessing and adapting these initiatives and collaborating with health experts will help maintain a healthy, happy, and engaged team. Investing in the health of female employees is not just a moral obligation but a strategic business decision that benefits everyone.